AANS on the Web

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AANS on the Web

Archers Association of Nova Scotia Forum

2 posters

    That'll be us in the Hire Car on the wrong side of the road.

    David and Anna

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2008-08-17

    That'll be us in the Hire Car on the wrong side of the road. Empty That'll be us in the Hire Car on the wrong side of the road.

    Post by David and Anna Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:29 pm

    Hello all,

    We will be visiting Nova Scotia for a few weeks soon.

    Would anyone recommend any shops to visit / nerdily press our noses up against? (Just to tide us over the deprivation of weeks without putting holes in things.)
    You may be more biased towards Bowhunting and Compounds, but any sort of gear is interesting (well, for me anyway...)

    Assuming the navigation works, we'll be planted about half way up Route 10, Lake William-ish, and do our exploring from there.

    We're target types from East London, England and use Matrix Recurves with Border limbs. Me: TXBs, Anna: Carbons (badge engineered for Merlin Archery in England.) My other pride and Joy is a Perris Whitehart, which keeps the Border faith.

    ACCs usually, and Platinum Plusses on occasion can be found in the grass reasonably near the butts.

    Really looking forward to the trip.

    Posts : 48
    Join date : 2008-03-11

    That'll be us in the Hire Car on the wrong side of the road. Empty Re: That'll be us in the Hire Car on the wrong side of the road.

    Post by huntwisely Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:59 pm

    Raven Archery, WoodsWise Outfitters, JD Shooting Supplies, Phil's Archery are shops within 2.5 hours af you some are only open in the evening

    Annapolis Valley Shooting Sports, Pine Grove Archers, Osprey, Glooscap, Queens and Greenwood are clubs that are close by

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